
What Lucky Star Character Are You?


10/25/2022, kipper


site button is currently broken wwwww ill fix it later

10/18/2022, kipper

edit: new midi!! i removed the old midi (dub-i-dub, by me&my) to noki bay from super mario sunshine! also changed a lot of the bgs on the main page and adding more gifs and such :3
WOOOOO IMFUCKIGN FINISHE MY MADOKA SHRINE i started making it yesterday instead of a coupel days ago oops...proud of it. tired. needsleep. BYE

10/12/2022, kipper


10/10/2022, kipper

edit: added shrine directory :)

i think I kinda wanna add some sort of wacky diary thing, ik i already got dis log but im mostly using it for site ideas/updates hahahaha...(´•̥̥̥д•̥̥o `̀๑) but anyways i should probably add some personal diary part of my website ? getting my feelings out is good.. i'd have my own diary but i have bad handwriting.. ahh im rambling again! this is why I had this idea in the first place!! oh well. i'll probably remake the art page of my site since its pretty damn old too. thats all i gotta say now!!! bye bye!!

10/7/2022, kipper

sites gonna look weird 4 a bit cuz im making the navigation bar (decied to put on the bottom, haha)

10/6/2022, kipper

woooo im trying to remake my old review page, itll take a bit of time it since theres a lot i wanna change. I also wantto add some sort of bar at the top for navigation, ill update again when its all finished!


10/5/2022, kipper

I actually got motivation to remake this site again! to put it short, the reason why I took so long to get to working on this thing is because the original code to the entire main page got deleted by stupid ol me. ill be honest with you it discouraged me a whole lot and I barely even worked on this until now. BUT IM FEELING MOREMOTOVATED THAN EVER! remaking this main page has been kinda fun. Soon i'll get to adding back links to the other pages of my site (which i'll probably put on the huge gaping space to the right of me), personality tests,a diary,probably try shrines for the first time,maybe ill start going by a specific theme???...ect. but for now im sleepy! with that being said, i'll say goodbye..... BYE!

song : dump - kero kero bonito

my name is kipper and i made this layout all by myself!(which is why its so janky i am an artist and i like animating from time to time!

do not use or hotlink ANY graphics on this site, even if they are not mine. if any graphics on here have the watermark "eelfacedkipper" besides my site button, do not use it. some graphics on here may not have my watermark, so don't hotlink ANY. it is my art and I worked hard on it. use a site like glittergraphics to find some for your own. thank you.

i occasionally post my art on instagram and youtube! if you like this site, make sure to follow me on neocities!

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